Thursday, April 29, 2010

Studying, how not to.

I was once approached with the question "Stuart, how do I waste as much time as possible, and not actually end up getting anything done"(Well, that was me, but I always seem to give myself good answers, so it was a sound plan).

So I got to thinking, how does one, with a pretty hefty amount of time, determination, motivation and free government money which you have to pay back, manage to squander all of the above? While the obvious answer is of course overseas pyramid schemes, (which could be seen as a grown-up's version of funding a child, just with less heartwarming photos (maybe)), the simple answer is anything. But a special type of anything, let me go on. (Not that you have a choice).

As was proven in 1939 by Hitler, that the best way to invite Europe to a picnic was to help them all join the great country of Germany. But that's beside the Pola-, point.

As was more relevantly proven by Stalin, keep your focus on whatever you're not focused on. How did he display this? Well obviously by finding means of distracting himself from the monotonous task of assisting then-Facist Italy and Germany in the little known conflict (as the name infers) World War II.

So how did he do this? Well, when Germany decided that they wanted a winter getaway, Russia decided that they were going to put their dinner dates with the Axis forces on hold indefinitely. (with good reason). They were still civil enough to go ahead with their swinging plans.

So, following this, we can construct an easy guide for how to not achieve anything beyond a few deaths.

STEP ONE: Decide what you are going to do, (this can be anything). Make sure you take steps towards going ahead with this plan.

STEP TWO: Right as the implementation comes to fruition, look around you, is there internet nearby? (Catch 'n' tag). If not, find a fly or interesting spot on the wall/person/WMD.

STEP THREE: Decide that you are going to do this distracting event, move to STEP TWO.

STEP FOUR: If you got here, you were cheating, or are a general failure at failing to be a success.

So in conclusion, doing nothing is easy, some of the best pasttimes for such an event are writing blogs, and staring aimlessly at your inbox, alone, *Sits playing harmonica*.

Unrelated, but my email addy is in my profile.
Over and out.